Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Normal is just a setting on your dryer!

Isn't this title fitting! What about life is normal? Why do we want to be "normal"? I am truly guilty of wanting to be normal, which just made me feel more abnormal. Lately I have been feeling that God wants me to deal with my issue about wanting to be normal. Why can't I just accept me for what God has made me to be!

First, God had Brady and I take the Financial Peace class at church. Dave Ramsey says, "why be normal?"

Next I'm at a doctors appointment at Perinatal medicine (high risk pregnancy specialist) last week and the doctor's telling me what I'm telling him is not normal. I said, well this is normal for me to start having Braxton and Hicks about now. He says, no it's not Braxton and Hicks. Then God went on to prove the doctor right! (Man I hate that, I want to be right, but I guess that's why He's God and the doctor gets paid the big bucks!!) So now my normal for me pregnancy is not normal for me. The good news is I'm not on full bed rest and the medicine they are having me take seems to be working to stop the contractions.

Then as I am packing up some of my parents books, God brings a new one for me, in the form of a book called "Normal is just a setting on your dryer" by Patsy Clairmont. If you haven't read this book (which I doubt many people my age have) you should! Her humor and honesty will make you laugh out loud (just be carefully if you are reading this book near sleeping kids, you might wake them up) and want to cry at the same time. Okay God, I think this book was definitely one I needed to read. It was a great wake up call to quite worrying about being "normal" and just be the woman, wife, mother, sister, friend,and child you made me to be! If you're you, you're normal! Thank God!! I guess that means I no longer need to promenade out of the laundry room of life trying to appear normal.


Grace for us all... said...

Something I find interesting: I am not allowed to use the word "Normal" on my nursing assessments--because it doesn't mean anything!

Duckygirl said...

It really does sound like a great book, maybe I'll have to borrow it ;)

Hope you are having a good day!
